Brabender Farinograph Israel
Farinograph TS
In baking, a farinograph measures specific properties of flour. It was first developed and launched in 1928.[1] The farinograph is a tool used for measuring the shearand viscosity of a mixture of flour and water. The primary units of the farinograph are Brabender Units, an arbitrary unit of measuring the viscosity of a fluid.[2] The farinograph is a variation of the Brabender Plastograph that has been specialized for the baking industry, and it is used around the world for the objective measurement of a variety of flours.
A baker can formulate end products by using the farinograph’s results to determine the following:[citation needed]
Water absorption
Dough viscosity, including peak water to gluten ratio prior to gluten breakdown
Peak mixing time to arrive at desired water/gluten ratio
The stability of flour under mixing
The tolerance of a flour’s gluten

Mechanical farinograph
In baking, a farinograph measures specific properties of flour. It was first developed and launched in 1928.[1] The farinograph is a tool used for measuring the shearand viscosity of a mixture of flour and water. The primary units of the farinograph are Brabender Units, an arbitrary unit of measuring the viscosity of a fluid.[2] The farinograph is a variation of the Brabender Plastograph that has been specialized for the baking industry, and it is used around the world for the objective measurement of a variety of flours.
A baker can formulate end products by using the farinograph’s results to determine the following:[citation needed]
Water absorption
Dough viscosity, including peak water to gluten ratio prior to gluten breakdown
Peak mixing time to arrive at desired water/gluten ratio
The stability of flour under mixing
The tolerance of a flour’s gluten

Xsense BT9 מערכת איסוף נתונים לחות וטמפרטורה אלחוטית
ניטור בקרת טמפרטורה אל חוטית אוגר נתונים טמפרטורה אל חוטי

אוגר נתונים מותאם למציאות הלקוח בתהליכי יצור
אוגר נתונים טמפרטורה לחות בתהליכי יצור פיסטור עיקור ניטור טמפרטורה

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אוגר נתונים טמפרטורה לחות Xsense אלחוטי אוגר נתונים לטמפרטורה אלחוטי

רשם טמפרטורה רציף
ניטור טמפרטורה רשם טמפרטורה לחות אלחוטי רציף Xsense DATALOGGER מכשירים

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